To further protect you and always provide a secure CSCPay experience for all of our customers, CSCPay now requires Address Verification (AVS) for Credit Cards that are added as a Payment Method to your CSCPay account.
PLEASE NOTE: New in CSCPay Mobile 2.10.0+, users now have the option to add funds to a CSCPay Mobile account using Google Pay (Android) or Apple Pay (iOS). If you are unable to resolve issues with Address Verification, please consider using Google Pay or Apple Pay as an alternative. On the Home View of the app, simply tap Add Funds, then tap to change payment method from credit card on file to Google Pay or Apple Pay.
This security feature requires that the Street and Zip for your credit card payment method match with the information on file with the credit card issuer or financial institution. Here is more information and steps you can take regarding Address Verification:
- If you previously have added a Credit Card as payment method, and did not add address details (Street and Zip) for that Credit Card at the time, you may receive an address verification (AV-related) error message on your next attempted payment.
- If you receive an address verification (AV-related) payment error message, you will need to update your Credit Card on file, to do so, tap My Account in the CSCPay Mobile app and look for Payment Method.
- At the time you enter your Credit Card details, Street and Zip are now required inputs.
- For Street, simply enter in the street number and name (for example, 123 Elm Street) associated with your Credit Card. You do not need to enter city or state in the Street field. Importantly, there are currently character limits that you may experience when inputting your Street. If your Street input exceeds these character limits, simply abbreviate or otherwise shorten the street name (for example 123 Elm instead of 123 Elm Street), ensuring most importantly that the street number is correct.
- For Zip, simply enter the 5 digit postal code associated with your credit card.
- After entering all Credit Card details, tap "Add Your Card", and your Payment Method will be added or updated accordingly.
- Your payments should now process successfully.
If you have any questions or concerns, you can always contact Customer Care.